In the movie "The Fountain," Hugh Jackman faced difficulty during a s*x scene with Rachel Weisz due to an unexpected problem.
"The Fountain" is a romantic drama in which Hugh Jackman starred opposite Rachel Weisz.
At the time of filming "The Fountain," Rachel Weisz was engaged to the film's director, Darren Aronofsky.
Hugh Jackman convinced Darren Aronofsky to cast Rachel Weisz in the lead role despite initial reluctance.
The problematic scene required Jackman and Weisz to have a steamy makeout session in a bathtub.
During the scene, the director asked them to move forward, but Hugh Jackman stopped because of a surprising factor.
Darren Aronofsky yelled, "Take off his pants! Take off his pants!" during the scene.
Hugh Jackman revealed that he stopped because he thought the director might beat him up.
Hugh Jackman's acting career has been highly celebrated, from Australian TV to iconic roles like Wolverine in the X-Men franchise.
The incident on the set of "The Fountain" remains a memorable and humorous anecdote in Hugh Jackman's career.