Top 10 Reasons Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Building your psychology around avoiding failure can paradoxically increase the likelihood of failing.

1. Fear of Failure

Making resolutions without genuine belief in your ability to achieve them can set you up for failure.

2. Lack of Belief

A vague or haphazard approach to goal-setting can lead to failure. Create a detailed and actionable plan, complete with milestones and deadlines.

3. Absence of a Concrete Plan

Failure to gather the necessary references and resources can hinder your progress. Seek support and gather tools to assist you in achieving your goals.

4. Neglecting Resources

While your mind may acknowledge the importance of a goal, lack of emotional connection may result in failure.

5. Emotional Attachment

Ambiguous goals like "improve my health" can lead to confusion and failure. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.

6. Lack of Clarity

Understand the driving force behind your goals. A strong "why" can fuel your determination and make the "how" easier to figure out.

7. Uncovering Your "Why"

Transform them into powerful necessities ("musts") to foster dedication.

8. Turning "Should" into "Must"

Be honest with yourself about what you truly want to achieve. Pursuing goals that don't genuinely align with your desires can lead to failure.

9. Authentic Desire

Repeatedly making lengthy resolution lists can be overwhelming and demotivating.

10. Overestimating and Underestimating

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