G7 to announce long-term security deal for Ukraine

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UK is supporting Kiev's "path to NATO membership"

The UK took a leading role in an agreement involving G7 partners Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the US.

Committed to provide $3.8 billion in military aid per year for a decade, but without provision for mutual defence.

NATO said Ukraine can join military alliance when allies agree and conditions are met

While Ukraine accepts that it cannot join NATO during its ongoing war with Russia.

President Zelensky expressed in Lithuania that NATO membership will provide security to Ukraine while strengthening the alliance.

Zelensky presented a battle flag from the town of Bakhmut, which was destroyed during Russia's invasion of Ukraine and was the site of a long and intense battle.

The Battle of Bakhmut is considered one of the longest and potentially bloodiest skirmishes during the Russian invasion.

Zelensky highlighted the importance of NATO support in enhancing the security of Ukraine.

Additional information and updates are expected to emerge regarding the G7 agreement and NATO's position on Ukraine.

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